Welcome to the TRACER 9 submission platform

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the submission platform for the 9th International Conference on Tracers and Tracing Methods, which will be held from 14 to 16 May, 2024, in Benicàssim, Spain.

Since 1998, the primary objective of the "Tracer" conferences has remained to present the curent status and trends on tracing methods and their applications. It progessively arrived to also present studies in flow modelling and simulation (numerical tracing, CFD, comportemental and systemic modelling). It is the opportunity for attendees from different fields to exchange scientific information and knowledge about tracer technology and applications in one filed that may also be applied, with modifications, in another field.

From this platform, you can :

  • Submit your paper proposals
  • Edit your abstract from your personal space
  • Review the scientifc papers


Key dates

Abstract submission deadline: 2 January 2024

Prepare your paper for submission


The abstract submission platform for TRACER 9 is now open!

You have until 2 january 2024 to submit your proposals.
Authors will be informed notification of acceptance in mid-January.

Your document must respect the following instructions:

  • Your document must be in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm)
  • It must be made up of 2 pages
  • It must be in English
  • It must respect the TRACER 9 conference template
  • Submission deadline: 2 January 2024

Download the template

Submission process

You only need 5 minutes to submit your abstract:

1. Create your account (only 5 fields to complete)
If you already have a SciencesConf. account, please log in directly.

Create your account

2. Then upload your abstract on this page

Upload your abstract

Different formats to present your work

You have the possibility to presentyour work at TRACER 9.
You can ask to present your work in the form of an oral presentation or a poster presentation.

Please select of the following formats when submitting:

  • Abstract - preferred oral
  • Abstract - preferred poster
  • Invited (for plenary and invited speakers)

Submit your abstract in one of the following topics

  • Session 1: New tracers, techniques and equipment
  • Session 2: Modelling and simulation
  • Session 3: Chemical engineering and related topics
  • Session 4: Mining and metallurgy
  • Session 5: Energy
  • Session 6: Oil field evaluations and production
  • Session 7: Industrial applications
  • Session 8: Environmental applications
  • Session 9: Medical, safety and risk prevention applications
  • Session 10: Other tracing applications
  • Session 11: Radiotracers: regulatory, standardization, accreditation, certification and safety aspects
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